

Watch our company overview video

Safesite is pleased to provide our services to a wide range of clients, from small growing businesses to world wide corporations. Our offices, records centers and vault facilities are climate controlled and monitored by professional security companies, as well as local fire and police departments. We also operate a fleet of radio and GPS equipped vehicles for prompt pick up and secure delivery of your documents, files and data. Our services include:

Secure off-site paper document storage and management services
                  Dallas and Fort Worth TX
Secure off-site paper document storage and management services
Austin Flexible off-site electronic media storage, rotation, 
                  and disaster recovery services
Flexible off-site electronic media storage, rotation, and disaster recovery services
Fully featured web based document management tools and reports
Fully featured web based document management tools and reports
Houston Certified document shredding and recycling of paper and magnetic media
Certified document shredding and recycling of paper and magnetic media

Safesite Document Shredding Services

Safesite provides locked, secure containers for the storage of your confidential material while awaiting destruction. The locked containers are picked up by Safesite and placed in a secure document shredding system.

Safesite’s locked cabinets are attractive and fit in well with all office environments. Confidential documents are inserted through the front loading slot which prevents unwanted access once documents have been placed into the container.

In addition to paper document shredding services, Safesite provides secure destruction services for X-Rays, Computer Hard Drives, CD’s, and Magnetic Media Tapes.

Dallas Document Shredding of X-rays

Executive Cabinets:

Capacity: 32 Gallon (Approximately 100 lbs.)
Dimensions: 36"H x 20"W x 20"D

Dallas Document Shredding Companies - X-Ray Destruction

Medium Container:

Capacity: 64 Gallon (Approximately 200 lbs.)
Dimensions: 42"H x 29"W x 22"D

Houston Document Shredding, X-Ray Destruction

Large Container:

Capacity: 96 Gallon (Approximately 300 lbs.)
Dimensions: 46”H x 36”W x 30“D

Full Service Secure Document Shredding Company
  1. Confidential Shredding Services
  2. Paper, CD’s, Tapes and Hard Drives
  3. X-Ray Disposal Specialists
  4. One-Time and Ongoing Services
  5. Locked Carts and Consoles Provided
  6. Secure Off-Site Shredding Facilities